Will Writing



75% of the adult population in Scotland currently have no Will, but should have one prepared immediately!

Of the 25% who do, many, many of them have the wrong type of Will and should have it checked immediately!

But Why?

In these days of spiralling house inflation, more (and bigger) inheritances and higher standards of living in general, many more people than ever before are falling into the trap of Inheritance Tax. Many fall into it because they are never made aware of the dangers, whilst others believe that there simply isn't anything that they can do about it...but they are wrong!

In addition, improvements in medicine, allied to better diet and living conditions, means that many more people are living to a far greater age than ever before, which is fantastic news. However, there is a down side to these developments, and it's the unmistakable fact that more elderly people will require the accommodation of a Care Home at some point in their lives. That in itself may not create a reason for concern or worry as most of them provide a standard of care unavailable elsewhere, but a major concern often is...the cost! You can work all of your life to finally own a home of your own...a home you can leave to your children...only to lose it to pay for Care Costs in later years. Most people believe that there is nothing that can be done to protect their hard-earned homes...but they are wrong!

Many people today live as part of a couple, but are not legally married. They often live safely in the (mistaken) belief that they each will inherit from the other should one of them die without a will. This is not true. In law they might as well be strangers because they are entitled to NOTHING!

Parents of young children need to consider the subject of Guardians and very often have done by appointing Godparents, with the assumption that these 'chosen' people will look after their children if something unforeseen happens to them. Unfortunately however, the concept of Godparents has no basis in Law, only Guardians appointed properly in a Will does.

Married couples often wrongly assume that the simple fact that they are married means that they will automatically inherit everything from their spouse. THEY ARE WRONG! In fact unless the estate is relatively small the only time they will in fact inherit everything is if the deceased person has no parents, no brothers or sisters, no children or grandchildren and no nieces or nephews. (How many people do you know in this position?)

The most common expression we hear is, "I know I need to make a Will, I'll get around to it." But the sad fact is that most people never do. A recent newspaper headline read, "There are more women who fall victim to intestacy than to divorce." This article highlighted the potentially devastating prospects of dying without a Will to those loved ones left behind.

The biggest hurdles to overcome in taking the important step of protecting your family against intestacy, are procrastination and convenience.

We can help you overcome these hurdles quickly and effortlessly. Our fully trained Estate Planning Consultants can advise on all related matters, and all in the comfort and convenience of your own home!

All documentation is prepared by fully qualified legal professionals, from LSN and as the very first company in Scotland to become full members of The Institute of Professional Willwriters (IPW), you can be sure that your affairs are in the safest of hands.


Contact us for more information.
27 West High Street
Tel: 01764 652 225
Fax: 01764 654 433
Email: enquiries@cpamc.co.uk
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